Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Khamis, 19 Februari 2009

Today is Friday...

Today i wake up early nda plg awl banar...em nda seawal mcm hari2 meaning hari ane yg paling akhir hehe apakn??aduii hari ane aku tired n sleepy bnr2..smbhyg subuh pun tinggal..ane pun aku kalat mata msh..hari ane aku nda kmna2 juz stay at revision tpi ndada mood,kn jln2 pun ndada mood,kn tdo mlas jua coz tkt akhr tdo mlm sal 2mrw i have to go to work around before 6:30 yo!for me its ok sal jdi kebiasaan udh..em hve to go to stadium again tuk latihan penuh perbarisan lalu..for me its better buat kja d offce drpd d stadium apa blh buat demi negara so i should go..btw tym ane aku bz research univerity tuk study at oversea ambil HND-science..InsyaAllah i will go to study at oversea at the end of the year 2010 liat result dari Spa n moe dlu..uhh..myv aku rsa dlm bulan 3 wil be my bz of the month..walaupun payah,tired and bz berabis aku nda kisah asalkn my work hard wil be gven with a wonderfull presentz dat is my real ambition bcme reality..em actually aku ane berfikir apakn dbuat hari borenk,owh ya..baik plg aku mmbersihkn a living room,a kitchen and....bathroom> aku mau bersih semua..semenjak aku dpt kja ane..kja rumah pun nda pandai mmbuat lg so y not today aku buat semua atu biar tia auntie nda pyh buat kja hehehehe memanat..aku mau msk2 jua ri ane..oklah aku stop dlu i want to do apa yg tlh ku ktakn di ats td tuk dikotakn...haha go nara chayoo!!!and before i stop i wan to say dat i rely miss my DB..i wan to cook his which s..??

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