Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Selasa, 14 Disember 2010

Cuti cuti cuti :)

(On 8th May love with him..King Hafiz)**Special...xoxox

(YEAR 2010)

(YEAR 2010)

(YEAR 2009)

(YEAR 2008)

(YEAR 2008)

(YEAR 2008)

(YEAR 2009)

(YEAR 2010)
Salam semua...
1st of all filah minta maaf bnyk2 sal nda selalu update my blog lagi...Im so sorry.. my frenz yg email filah yg mengenali filah sbgai nara..:)Thnks for visiting n reading guyz..rlly apprcte...:)
Dear blog...selama 3tahun filah mnjdi blogger..Alhamdulillah hajat utk menyampaikan lbh kurg 200 lbh post udh trcapai...atlez filah tau filah msh ada minatkn jdi blogger wlupun jrg udate lagi..hehe:)Filah ingin mmnta maaf sekiranya ada kata2/perkataan atau picture yg menyinggung perasaan kamu semua...emm tiada yg sempurna dlm dunia ane..and manusia pasti ada mmbuat kesilapan so filah mnta maaf bnyk2 keyh:)
Filah syg kamu semua....utk my frenz yg setia mmbca my blog wlupun ada facebook udh hehe terima kasih bnyk2 k:)
Dgn ini filah tutup lembaran blog filah tuk tahun 2010 smpai sni...InsyaAllah jika dsihatkan tbuh bdn n dpnjgkn umur..we will meet year 2011..:)
Sebenarnya filah kan deactvte sja blog ane coz I knw 2011 will be my hectic year..*sigh*emm InsyaAllah nara akn try tuk update tpi if sekiranya nda dpt lagi..Im sorry k,filah trpksa tutup my website buat smntra wktu:)
Okay visitors sampai sini dulu...:)Filah or Nara sayang kamu semua...sad..;(
Gonna miss my blog...:)Salam..
Lots of love;

Jumaat, 10 Disember 2010

SaRanGhaE....King Hafiz :)

Cinta itu hanya dirinya..:)
To my Beloved King Hafiz,
Look into my eyes - you will see What you mean to me.. Search your heart - search your soul And when you find me there you'll search no more... Everything I do - I do it for you.. Look into my heart - you will find There's nothing' there to hide Take me as I am - take my life I would give it all, I would sacrifice... Everything I do - I do it for you... There's no love - like your love And no other..
I love you so much my king, i can't live without u... Ur my everything, my heart beat, my soul, my sprit, my voice, my eye sight, my life, am addicted to my king, dont leave me, also dont betray me, i love u so much, deeper than the deep sea, wider than the blue sky, i love u more than ma life, am so crazy over u..... I LOVE U SO MUCH KING HAFIZ
Always yours: Queenz Filah Kh


**saat bersamamu...Senyumanku utk seisi dunia kembali semula...terima kasih sayang...**

**7 bulan menyemai cinta dgnmu...adalah masa yg sgt brhrga utkku...**

**sejak bertemu dgnmu 'IBU'aku mula menyimpan perasaan sayang yg sgt dlm utkmu..terima kasih kerana kpd Tuhan dan 'IBU' kerana telah melahirkan seorg ank lelaki yg sgt baik dan yg layak utk disayangi dan dicintai...**

**Thankz for everything hubby...I love u and I love ur family too...<3**

*syg brsyukur diats kehadiran hbby dlm hdup syg...*

*Menyintaimu adalah anugerah dari Allah yg sgt indah...*

*Aku Cinta Padamu...cinta sgt2...*

**yummmyyy hehe...nyeh;p**

***syg bnr2 suka ur present***

**Thankz hubby...Thankz for the present...Mmuahhzzz**

Isnin, 22 November 2010

ShE iS....

I love u...:)

~Filah is Fyl...Fyl is Filah and Filah is nara..:D

tiada yg lbh istimewa selain drimu mama,papa,nini n hbby...:)

~jdi diri sendiri~

~Filah hnya ingin mnjdi sseoarg yg blh dhrp olh kdua org tua filah...I alwyz try my best to be a good daughter..gud fren..gud sister..gud aunt n gud lover for him...yg pntg filah nda mmnta apa2 balasan tuk dsygi...:)

~Filah adalah sseorg yg cpt mngalah...filah nda akn prnh mmksa org yg mnyayangi filah pd satu hri nnti mungkin akn mninggalkn filah dan filah akn mmbiarknnya kerana kebahagiaannya adalah sgt pntg utk filah...:)

~sebenarnya filah bukan wanita yg sgt kuat if mnghdpi apa sja dugaan...filah akn mndiamkn diri if filah benar2 rsa ngalih udh n lemah...dan akn mnjauhkn diri sal filah nda mau mnyusahkn hati org yg hppy..:D~

Khamis, 18 November 2010


Hi visitors..
sorry sal lama dah nda mngupdate...filah bz saja msa ni tmbahan ndada msa n mls atu adalah dkit..biasalah bla dh tired..malas atu mesti ada..:)
well dsni filah kn shre ssuatu dgn kamu semua...
Tdi filah bru tahu kwn filah yg selama ane couple dgn x nya bru i knw diorg bru cple selama 10 bulan...tpi akhirnya cinta diorg nda ksampaian...janji hanya tinggal janji n semua hanya tnggal kenangan...filah turut sedih jua..dioarg ane lgi pasangan ideal...yg seorg pndiam n slalu senyum n seorg lg suka bnyk ckp n mmbwtkn pasangannya slalu ketawa..tpi akhirnya emm..bla filah tnya kenapa..answer yg dbrikn msti yg selalu filah dgr dri org yg putus cinta...alasannya 1)boreng udh..2)mula mnyukai urg lain 3)ndada rsa cinta lgi...Ya Allah mngapalah hati sseorg mudah mngatakn cinta jika hajatnya hnya utk smntara...???bnrlah cinta hakiki itu hanya cinta pd Tuhan yg Esa..:)
Mengapa mudah utk mngatakn boreng udh sdgkn dlu cinta mau mndptkn cnta yg satu klu nda dpt..hati ndakn tenang..
Mengapa mudh tuk mnyukai urg lain sdgkn dlu hati udh trtutup tuk yg lain...mna hilangnya hati yg ikhlas??
Mengapa ndada perasaan cinta lgi sdgkn dlu ia yg dpuja n dsygi selalu...
jdi bnrlah manusia cpt brubah...?
Ya Allah hamba memohon dekatkanlah hati hamba kpdMU agar hamba tidak akn prnh brpaling DariMU...
Dan jika dia jodoh hamba maka dekatkanlah hati kami dan janganlah Engkau pisahkn kami setelah hubungan kami sudh mnjalani masa yg lama dan jauh...hamba mnyntainya Ya Allah...
for my fren..i hpe ia akn dpt mngharungi smua ujian Allah ane dgn sabar dan ndakn prnh putus asa...percayalah kwn mungkin ada yg lbh baik akn dtg tuk mmilikki hatimu...
dan utk x nya atu...bla ada pnyesalan...nda smstinya apa yg dhrpkn utk kembali akn kembali jua sal once bini2 udh mnyintai spenuh hati ttpi dlukai dgn teruk...mungkin kmi blh maafkn tpi prkra yg dhrpkn nda akn brlaku lgi...
so ppl hargai org yg telah mmberikn hatinya tuk kmu coz mungkin dialah yg trbaik tuk kmu..sekiranya bkn jdoh..lepaskn dgn baik...:)
emm smpai sni dlu...
for my hbby...I love u...:)

Jumaat, 12 November 2010

You are the flower in my heart...

You're the thought that starts each morning,
You're the conclusion to each day,
You're all the things I do,
You're everything that I say.

If you asked me If I love you,
I would truly confess that I do,
You're the love of my life now,
I hope you feel the same way too.

You're the smile on my face,
The twinkle in my eye,
The warmth of my heart.
You are the fullness of my life.

You are all that I ever wanted,
And I'll never stop loving you,
You're my man forever,
You're the one I'll kiss forever too.

You're my soul mate of this universe,
You make the world so real,
I always have you and I in my dreams,
Your hands I can always feel.

I never thought I would find myself,
But now I have since I have found you.
You're the one that understands,
My love for you is forever true.

With you I can let go,
Of intuition and sound mind,
My feelings I cannot help but show,
To a person who is so kind.

This feeling overwhelms me,
A swelling of the heart,
I never thought I would be,
This happy from the start.

I lose myself in you,
These feelings grow more rapidly,
To a lover who is my best friend.

You are my eternal light,
The laughter in my heart,
Forever I will always love you,
Till the day I die and we part.

You are always in my dreams,
My wish has come true,
I believe in love at first sight,
That is when I fell in love with you.

You are my shoulder to cry on,
You and I are meant to be,
Forever you will always be in my heart,
Hubby Thank You For Loving Me

Isnin, 25 Oktober 2010


MAY ALLAH BLESS U~Wish All ur dream come true and...Semoga sihat selalu,dpnjgkn umur dmurahkan rezeki...Amin:)
Take care always Edy;)
Lots of love frm me;

Ahad, 24 Oktober 2010


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY 3RD SISTER....ASLINA BT TUAH=)Happy 38th birthday ka...May Allah bless u..and semoga sihat selalu..dpnjgkan umur n dmurahkan rezeki..Mudah2an kaka happy n bahagia dgn keluarga yg trsyg...=)I love u soooo muchhhh...take care always ka..=)
Lots of love;

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010


Espc.tuk hubby tercinta~
King Hafiz 2602~
1)Terima kasih kerana menerima request fren dri syg...(Im talking abt fb hehe)
2)Terima kasih kerana sudi mnjdi kawan syg...
3)Terima kasih kerana dri awl prkenalan hbby sudi melayan karenah status(fb)syg..
4)Terima kasih kerana selalu mengambil berat tntg diri syg...
5)Terima kasih kerana mengajar syg erti sebuah ketabahan,kuat dlm mnghadapi sgala dugaan hidup dan mngajar syg erti sbuah senyuman...:)
6)Terima kasih kerana mmberi syg gelaran 'manja'kpd syg...
7)Terima kasih kerana merindui syg...
8)Terima kasih kerana menyukai syg...
9)Terima kasih kerana menyayangi syg..
10)Terima kasih kerana menyintai syg...
11)Terima kasih kerana sudi menjadi teman lelaki syg...
12)Terima kasih kerana menerima hati dan cinta syg...
13)Terima kasih kerana sudi menerima syg apa adanya..
14)Terima kasih kerana ole2 dri Singapore yg hbby bgi tuk syg..
15)Terima kasih kerana pernah dtg beraya arh rumah syg..
16)Terima kasih kerana mmbelikan syg 'pitta burger'...
17)Terima kasih kerana sudi menerima hadiah pillow yg syg bagi arh hbby...
18)Terima kasih kerana mmberikan syg kta2 manis dan indah bla ddgr..
19)Terima kasih kerana mmberitahu syg sal lagu yg hbby selalu dgr'miss u lyk crazy'
20)Terima kasih kerana memanjai syg..
21)Terima kasih kerana memahami dan melindungi syg...
22)Terima kasih hbby kerana dtg dlm hidup syg...
23)Terima kasih ats sgala2nya dan..
I love u so much...U are my u now and forever...Mmuahzzz hugzz*
QFM 2504

Jumaat, 22 Oktober 2010

Happy 28th Birthday Brother:)

MD SAIDUN BIN TUAH or nice name Bro Alan...
May Allah bless u abg...and wish all ur dream cme true...Semoga sihat selalu, dpanjangkn umur dan dmurahkan rezeki jua Amin...and jgn lupa mskkan filah lagi butter milk chicken hehe;p wink2 and and moga abg sntiasa bahagia dan gembira dgn Isteri(sis lily),ur son(zikry)and ur daughter(bazla)...
and abg tua udh ni adgtah kn manja2 dgn bapa hehe...We love u~Honestly...I miss all the sweetzzz momentzz tht we've spnt together b4 u marriedd...abglah tpt filah selalu mngadu n brmanja but now...everythng brubah dah coz u alrdy hv ur own familyy:)once again HAPPY BIRTHDAYY!!!take care alwayzz...
lots of love frm;

+TeNtaNg DiRiKu+

Hi Visitors...apa kabar semua??diharap semua dlm keadaan yg baik2 sja...I'm sorry coz bru ane filah dpt updte blog...last 2 weeks filah busy dgn LDP and BPL..Alhamdulillah evrythings sttle n okay udh:)Am i hppy??yeah im hppy tpi not too much lah...I dnt knw apa yg trjdi..tpi yg pasti filah nda mau mnghrp trlalu tinggi tkut nnti tnggal angan2 sja...filah berserah kpd Allah yg menentukan segalanya...
'LDP'adalah harapan filah utk mmberikannya sebagai hadiah tuk mama n papa n tuk urg yg filah cintai...dan BPL adalah usaha filah tuk meningkatkan lagi percentage keputusan akedamik filah utk masa hadapan...
Ya Allah tenangkanlah hati hamba...Amin...mudah2an semuanya brjln dgn lancar jua Amin..;(
Hidup ane penuh dgn cobaan n dugaan yg kitani sendiri nda tau apa,kenapa,bila n di mana ia akn trjdi...walauapapun yg akn bakal trjdi filah akn ikhlaskn hati dan pasrah dgn ketentuan Illahi...:)
Beberapa hri ane filah selalu mngeluarkn air mata n filah sndiri nda tau ngapa semua ane blh trjdi...tpi filah try tuk menenangkn my hbby...I love u..syg cinta hbby...Thanks for everything hbby...I really love u...without u maybe syg akn mudh putus asa tpi dgn adanya hbby dhati syg...semuanya impian syg,syg kejar dgn harapan itulah sbuah bukti cinta utk kitani...sal setiap impian syg ada hbby..:)dgn mngingati hbby...syg sudh ckup kuat tuk mnghadapi sebuah kegagalan atau kejayaan..:)Please never leave me alone hbby...I rlly need u cos I love you much..:)
"Ya Allah tabahkanlah hati hamba dan berikanlah sinar cahaya dlm hidup hamba2Mu ini...Amin..."

Sabtu, 9 Oktober 2010

Hanya dirinya~

Tatkala hati ini pernah terluka
Diriku selalu membuat keputusan
Bahawa aku bertekad tuk
Menutup pintu hatiku...
Namun kehadirannya
Mengubah pendirianku semula..
Akhirnya hatiku
Sekali lagi terbuka utk
Coba Menyintai dan
Menerima hatinya
Dgn harapan agar kali ini
bukanlah yg kedua
Yang pertama dan
Yang terakhir...
Mungkin pengalaman lalu
Mengajar diriku
Agar sentiasa
Menghargai apa yg
Ada Di hadapan mata...
Ku bersyukur dgn takdir
Allah yg sgt berharga ini..
Ku berdoa agar lelaki inilah
Yang akan menjadi suamiku
Di dunia dan di akhirat..
Tiada yg lain
Bertakhta di dalam hatiku..
Kerna apa yg ku cari
Telahku temui..
Buat hubby yg tersayang..
Jika ada yg bilang
Aku menduakan mu
Maka itu fitnah
Kerna itu..
Bukan diriku..
Bila ku mula tuk mencintai
Maka akn ku perjuangkan
Sehingga Akhir hayat...
Aku cinta padamu...

Rabu, 22 September 2010

Happy Teacher's Day 2010=)

Hari ane hari Khamis,23rd Sept.2010=)
Selamat Hari Guru diucapkan tuk semua insan di Brunei Darussalam yg brgelar guru=)
Jasamu akn dikenang smpai bla2..dan hanya Tuhan sahaja yg dpt mmbls jasa guru2 smua...=)Semoga akn sntiasa drahmati oleh Allah di dunia dan di akhirat jua..Amin..
Utk papa yg trsyg..TUAH HMS..Selamat hari guru papa...wlupun papa nda mmbca blog ane..I stl wn to post here..I wn to share dgn visitors abt papa...papa adalah seorg bapa dan seorg guru yg sgt kami hormati...pndidikn yg papa bgi arh kmi sgt brmakna...hidup kami 7org adik-beradik penuh dgn disiplin dan ksih syg yg nda trhngga..tiada apa yg kmi perlu katakn lgi papa...u are the best teacher in this world..we'r proud and glad dpt seorg bpa mcm papa...;)I love u with ol of my heart..Thnks for everythng..espc...mngajar dan mndidik filah tuk mnjdi seorg anak yg baik...jasamu akn dikenang smpai bla2 pa..and terima ksih jua sal mnrima pilihan hati filah=)Selamat hari guru papa...
*Kenangan yg nda dpt dlupakn...msa mama brtahan dhspital papa snggup bwa filah ktpt papa ngajar..and papa slalu ngantr n ngambil blik sekulah on time!nda prnh akhir..dgn mmblikan milo ping and apa sja makanan..yg pntg papa bnyk brkorban tuk kmi..kerjayanya sbgai seorg guru bkn pnghalangnya tuk mndidik kmi semua...atulah keistimewaan wlupun papa retired udh..ia msh dkenali sbagai seorg guru wlau dmna jua ia brada...=)filah brsyukur sal ada papa and mama mcm diorg=)
Selain papa...filah juga ingin mngucapkn Selamat Hari Guru tuk semua bekas guru filah dri sekolah rendah til ke sekolah pringkat tinggi...tanpa kamu siapalah filah..=)besarnya jasa kamu ndakn trbls dgn wang ringgit atau mutiara ttpi filah sntiasa mndoakan yg trbaik tuk semua guru2 filah...
And i wn to say happy teacher's day to all SVNR teachers and Darul Fa'izin Tuit.=)
Happy teacher's day;
My bestiee-Teacher lina
My fren-Teacher Asy
My gud prin.-Puan Syarifah(bnyk ngajar filah tuk mnjdi seorg guru yg baik)
My fren-Sir Edy
My cuz-Sir Soul
Sir shanan,sir hj masri,sir shai,sir zimen,cg pg suhaimi,ustaz mokti,ustaz bahrul,cg pg aisah,cg nora,cg.irda,cg.amy,cg noralam,cg norasyikin,cg.hjh jamaliah,sir izad,cg hjh nurafidah,cg.hjh kimin,cg.rohani,cg.maimunah,cg idris,cg hjh maiza,cg hjh minah,cg hj suhaili and semua guru2 filah sma ada dri SRDM,SULK,SMPAPHM&SRLKJLN 49(kelas lanjutan...filah sntiasa mngingati kmu semua dlm doa filah...
HAPPY TEACHER's DAY>>>>"Guru gemilang Pelajar cemerlang" 2010

The Best Teachers

Teachers open up young minds,
showing them the wonders of the intellect
and the miracle
of being able to think for themselves.
A teacher exercises
the mental muscles of students,
stretching and strengthening,
so they can make challenging decisions,
find their way in the world,
and become independent.
The best teachers care enough
To gently push and prod students
to do their best
and fulfill their potential.
You are one of those.
Thank you
Lots of love,
Frm me:

Ahad, 19 September 2010

I love you KH26:)

Destiny's child-Brown eyes lyrics=)
Remember the first day when I saw your face
Remember the first day when you smiled at me
You stepped to me and then you said to me
I was the woman you dreamed about
Remember the first day when you called my house
Remember the first day when you took me out
we had butterflies although we tried to hide
and we both had a beautiful night

The way we held each others hand,
the way we talked, the way we laughed
it felt so good to find true love
I knew right then and there you were the one

I know that he loves me cause told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause its obvious
I know that he loves me cause its me he trust
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so

Remember the first day, the first day we kissed
Remember the first day we had an argument
we apologized and then we compromised
and we've haven't argued since
Remember the first day we stopped playing games
Remember the first day you fell in love with me
it felt so good for you to say those words
cause I felt the same way too

The way we held each other's hands,
the way we talked, the way we laughed
it felt so good to fall in love
and I knew right there and then that you were the one

I know that he loves cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trust
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so

I'm so happy, so happy that your in my my life
and baby now that your apart of me
you've showed me
showed me the true meaning of love(the true meaning of love)
and I know he loves me

I know that he loves me cause he told me so
I know that he loves me cause his feelings show
When he stares at me you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love
I know that he loves me cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me cause it's me he trust
and he's missing me if he's not kissing me
and when he looks at me his brown eyes tell it so

He looks at me and his brown eyes tell it so
I love you hubby...=)

Rabu, 15 September 2010

Salam Aidilfitri 2010=)

Helo helo helo!Im bck guyzz!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir Dan Batin tuk semua~
Mcm mna dgn raya kamu??ada okay??hehe
Hws mine???
My Raya diz year okay2 aje...biasalh sentiasa full~minyak selalu brtambah ehehe n the bad thngs my weight brtmbh~sighhh!!!yg siuknya bila beraya dgn rakan spejabatlah...bila ja dgr da org open house trus langgar ehehe;D i love them!!!
My raya diz year sgt brmkna jua coz kehadiran sseorg dlm hdup filah...Salam Aidilfitri tuk semua ya...maafkn filah mna tau filah da buat slh or ksilapan yg disenghajakn atau nda...f ada trksr bhasa or apa2 ajela...hrp dmaafkan n halalkn mkn mnum filah jua k?
Filah dsni sntiasa mmbukakn pntu kemaafan tuk org lain jua...semoga hari raya kali ane mmberi sejuta makna tuk smua..n smoga Ramadhan yg tlh brlalu akan dtg mnemui ktani pd msa akn dtg dan mudah2an ktani smua sihat tbuh bdn n dpnjgkn umur jua...Amin...
Anywy gmbr yg di ats atu picture2 yg sempat filah ambl msa braya arh rumah kak mas...Btw thank u kak mas...I love ur 'ayam goreng'!!!!ehehe 1st tym mkn ayam goreng 2x tmbh arh opn huose ahahaha...ane gara2 trpngaruh olh ka fizah;p;p
wlauapapun smua rumah trbuka yg kmi aga mknannya smua best2 nganya....perut kdg2 nda mnrima sal trlampau full ehehe;p okaylah smpai sni dlu k..thnks 4 vsiting yea~
Lots of love frm me,Filah@Nara...