Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Rabu, 30 Jun 2010


Above>>>Filah@Nara...Sis Noor....Sis Mas...Sis Moz...
Below>>>>Students PND NTC3 SVNR

Selasa, 29 Jun 2010

Its all abt rulezz =)

Physics Lab Safety Rules
While doing practicals in a Physics lab, remember to keep your work area clean and organized. Never be in a hurry to complete your task. Do not touch live wires. Do not fiddle with things which are not related to your experiments. Be careful while using hot water in thermodynamics related experiments as they can cause severe burns on the body. Use of gloves is recommended while handling hot objects. Get the circuit connection approved from the teachers. Any small error in connections can cause a major accident. While making changes in the circuit, turn off the power supply. This will stop flow of electric current and nullify chances of electric shock. Never carry any substance which may catch fire as this is dangerous for everyone's safety. Everyone in the lab should use lab safety clothing like safety coats, goggles, gloves while performing practicals. All those present in the lab should know the locations of fire extinguishers and the quick exit door. If any accident occurs, report it immediately to the teacher. Students are advised not to indulge in any sort of mischief in the lab. Lab safety procedures are displayed on every desk in the Physics lab. Student safety in the lab can be ensured by following these procedures.

Khamis, 24 Jun 2010

Sharin' is carin' =)

Let me tell u all wht ar my rspnsbility as a sci.lab ass.ya~
(1)Specimen Preparation and Analysis
Many people rely on the answers they will receive from laboratory tests to help them complete their jobs. Specimens arrive at the laboratory with an identification label and test orders. When the laboratory assistant takes a sample of the specimen, she must properly label the sample and the test results so there are no mix-ups with other specimens. The laboratory assistant uses test tubes, microscopes and a variety of laboratory equipment to analyze the specimen sample. As she conducts the analysis, the laboratory assistant follows orders from those who brought the specimen. These lab orders tell the assistant which tests to run on the specimen. Tests conducted on bodily fluid samples must have careful handling in the event they contain hazardous material that may harm others.
(2) Laboratory Equipment Maintenance
Specimens tested in a laboratory setting often contain bacteria, bodily fluids or contaminants. The laboratory assistant is in charge of making sure lab equipment is clean and sterile and ready for use. He also checks equipment and tools daily to ensure they work properly. If a piece of lab equipment isn't working, the lab assistant completes a work order to have it repaired or let his supervisor know that a tool is in need of replacement. If on-site equipment repair is available, the laboratory assistant will take the equipment to that department and pick it up when it's ready.
(3) Data Entry and Record Keeping
Labs must keep records on each specimen and test conducted in the laboratory. The laboratory assistant is responsible for entering data into the computer each time a specimen arrives in the laboratory. He will enter specimen identification, what type of specimen it is and tests he will conduct. Attention to detail and accuracy are very important as the lab assistant enters the information. Mistakes made in data entry can result in specimen mix-ups or other workers getting the wrong test results. Inaccurate results due to poor record keeping and data entry can cause an incorrect diagnosis or the arrest of an innocent person....
ThnkZ 4 readin' peace!

Ahad, 20 Jun 2010

I Won't Stop Loving You...

I wanted you close so that we'd never part...
I wish you could see how wonderful love could be
I wanted to love you, I wish you could see...
I pray for you each and every night..
I pray for our love will last longer..
Even though I am far from you..
I love you with all my strength.
Ask the miles I've walked for you..
Ask the kilometres that my love travels every second
Ask every single drop of tear I've shed for you..
Ask every single day since I've known you..
how much love I've given you.
My love has been nurtured, cherished and offered to you..
I've never made you feel bad on any day..
Then try to buy you the next day..
I've really given my best
I'm powered by your love Hafiz...
And fueled by the belief that we're meant to be.
I didn't give you diamonds today though I could.
because I'm instead giving you my true love
and all that's mine is yours too..
More precious than any diamond in the world is..
Swearing on my life to fight for you.
What I've given you cannot wear and show
You can only feel and cherish for yourself.
Gift me your belief in that we'll be together forever
Your belief in the battle I am mounting..
Gift me your sincerity
Gift me your trust
Show me you are faithful to me..
I will stand by you, stand up for you.
On some days you will feel discouraged..
You will be tempted by the evil..
You will lose hope.
But remember, you sink I sink with you too.
But I won't let go.
I won't give up the fight, I'll go the distance.
I love you Hafiz...
Too many wordz here...but i knw smuanya msh blum dpt utk mmbuktikan sbuah cinta sbnr...*Jika kau selami hati dan dpt merasakn perasaan ini maka cinta itu telah sampai kpdmu...*
Ya Allah jika ini adalah perancangan yg telah Engkau takdirkan utk hamba maka hamba redha dgn hati yg ikhlas...hamba menerima segala ujianMu...Kerana Allah yg Maha Mencipta diri ini,pasti Allah lebih Maha Mengetahui apa yg terbaik buat hamba...
I love you Hafiz thats all I want to say...Mayv Im not gud enough for you but I wont stop lovin'u...Neva Let You Go...:)

Isnin, 14 Jun 2010

I love my hubby....=)

My Hafiz=)
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful dear..
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all...

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me...
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you...
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you....

Ahad, 13 Jun 2010

SpoRt Day 2010=)Svnr...

(TARIPAS is da besttZZZ)
(slh stu kja yg filah bwt tym rehersal..)
(menang krana TARIPAS>>>Go Blue House)
(Jeng jeng...Yay hd fun bla blari n glad jua sal dpt Gold mdl a2~hehehe;p)
Sport Day SVNR 2010
On Thursday,03.06.2010
At 7:45 Am til 12
At Padang/Balapan Stadium
1)Taripas>Blue House
2)Selangkir>Red House
3)Jelatok>Yellow House
4)Tekukur>Green House
Sport day diz year okay2 sja...and Alhamdulillah Taripas(Blue House)menjuarai sukan tahunan tuk kali ane...Semuanya sal guru2,kakitangan n stdents yg mmbri krjsama yg baik n tratur..
Spnjng ddlm pnyediaan tuk sport day diz year...filah inchrge dlm bnyk prkra tpi nda jua trlmpau bnyklah...I juz wn to help some teacherz tuk mnjayakan plan for goal tuk our Blue house diz year...
Kaja filah msa tu mmbwt attndnce for stffzz n stdntzz,den inchrge dlm mnguruskn bju sukan...waduhh filah rsa anelah kja yg paling lalah n ws not easy la..espc.if sal bju tuk stndtzz...tpi okayla..awl akhr selesai jua..=)
Btw..filah invlve arh prtndingan brlari jua dlm acara 4x100 kra relay lah...mula2 filah ndakn mau ikut p lama2 mau tah jua..for me msa tu bukan sal medal p tuk fun sja;)siuk!hehehe;p
Finally...Taripas menang dgn mngutip 7 emas yaw!hehehe....nda silap filah stdntz yg nmanya Beh & Azri yg handal brlari;)congratezz guyzz;)Happy 4 both of u~
So smpai cni dlu my post;)Will updte more soon ya~
Tc ppl...Tq for visiting...

Sabtu, 12 Jun 2010


Salam visitorzz...tym goes holidayy hbs wil bck to work on Monday,14.06.2010=)Well..I enjoyed my holidayy...der a lot of workz i did durin frm now on I hv to let my holidayy's modee go awayy cozz Der are mny workzz ar waitin'for me strtn nexx weekz=D
I'm vry hppy sal durin'holiday I could meet my belovv niecez n nephewzz=D dey ar my sweetheartzz hehe...nthng much to say here...I juz cnt wait for my anthr holidayy...InsyaAllah in August=)
For my FFNJ gengzz...I'm sorry coz Fyl nda dpt jmpa kmu selalu msa Fyl cutyy sal I ws so bzz wv my ladiezz fyl msh hutg kamu hehehe..will alwwyzz miss kamu FFNJ...emmm so sorry kay;)
okayla atu sja post filah tuk kli ane...c u ol in my nex post;)tc~

Khamis, 10 Jun 2010



FFNJ....meanzzz Filah Faten Nyra Jafriah...
Filah- 25th April 1989/Miz nara greenish/simple/dey kol me FyL
Faten- 09th July 1989/Miz Bluerichh/caring/we kol her teen
Nyra- 13th April 1989/Miz pinkyy/our sistaa/we kol her sis Nyr
Jafriah- 31st October 1989/Miz purple/we kol her Jef
FFNJ....I love them...dey ar my lyff....bnyk dah memoryy yg kmi share sma2...suka dan duka..semua ada...ndada rahsia antara kami...kami slalu ktawa..menangis...n main2 sma2...evn studyy pun sma2....nda prnh brpisah....our family pun dh tau yg kami adalah 4 sahabat yg setia lain pun tau kami sahabat yg kekal....wlupun masing2 dh ada khidupan...tpi FFNJ tetap brtahan....InsyaAllah tuk slama2nya...Amin....
Diorang sudh sinonim dgn khidupan filah...diorg adalah sahabat filah and familyy filah...I cnt lve without 1 of them...I relly love them....

Isnin, 7 Jun 2010

Special For My Love...

Always remember I love you
More than words
Could ever show,
And I think of you always-
Much more than
You could know
And now until forever,
Always remember this too,
There's no one
I could ever love
More than
My heart can only picture you other than anyone
Its a hidden place where I have stored you with love
I can see your smile
I can hear your voice
I can feel your touch
I can learn your love
From all those thoughts, you appear beautifully
Our love is so strong and hard to be apart
Although, you are far away from me
and I cannot hold you in my arms
but I hold you inside my heart...
I love you are my everything...
I love you I love you I love you...
Happy 1st mth annv.for us....
Syg kn sentiasa mnyintai hubby tuk selama2nya...
InsyaAllah...jika cinta ini adalah takdir dri Illahi..Mudah2an akn kekal hingga ke akhir hayat...syg cinta hubby sgt2...ndada yg akn dpt mngubah perasaan syg dan hanya Tuhan sja yg dpt mmisahkan kta...Syg selalu brdoa agar Allah melindungi percintaan ini supaya tidak akn putus dpertengahan jln...ini adalah kerana syg hanya menyintai hbby seorang....tiada yg lain...I love u...
special for u my love:):):)

Jumaat, 4 Jun 2010


You're one in a million, my most special one...I love you for more reasons
than this page has space to write,No one loves me like you do;
I’ve never felt like this;You accept me as I am;
I can relax and just be me.Those are just a few reasons why
I’ll always love you like I do.
We’ll have a lifetime full of love,
And it will happen because of you.
Andai satu saat nanti tiada diriku ddlm ruang hatimu...jadikanlah diriku sebuah kenangan yg terindah...jika ada yg bilang tntg perasaanku trhdpmu tidak sama lagi...ku hrp dgn adanya cintamu..dirimu akn lbh mmprcayai diriku walau hanya utk sesaat...andai satu saat diriku perlu utk melepaskan dirimu dgn senyuman...jgn anggap aku mnyukainya dan tidak mncintai dirimu lgi...kerana dsbalik senyuman...itu adalh pengorbanan dan tangisan dlm kerinduan....andai satu saat dirimu marah trhdp diriku...diriku brhrp agar tiada rasa benci darimu utkku...andai satu saat jodoh kita akn berkekalan dan tibalah saat itu diriku lah wanita yg paling bahagia...>>>ku mngatakan smua ini kerna ku tahu cinta tidak slmanya indah namun ku brdoa agar cinta ini akn kekal....Amin...