This is what I want to be.
No matter what anybody tells me... I am Invincible and I am Incerdible.
I have a smile, and I have a frown
I am Imperfect, and much as I am Perfect.
I am Loved as much as I am Rejected.
I am as Hopeful as much as I doubt.
I am as Neglected as I am thought of.
I am as Hated as I am adored.
I am me as I am someone else.
I am as broken as I am whole.
I am as miserable as I am happy.
I am As colorful as I am black and white.
Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara
I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...
25th April-The date I was born
Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)