Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

Salam...helo ppl!sorry for not updting dis blog dlm bbrapa hri ane..nara masa ni busy dgn study+kaja so my tym limits dah msa ni..btw,i want to share abt smething sal yesterday..kemarin dlm 11.30 my bro msg nara supaya blik awl atu jua and terus ke emergency Ripas sal bpa trgugur..takut nara mndgr til nara trus mnta izin kluar awl and nara nda ingau apa2 msa tu g..dlm fkiran nara bapa,bapa,bapa..hanya Tuhan sja yg tahu apa perasaan nara msa tu..i drove too fast mybe around 120^^den bla smpai di emergency nara meliat dahi arh sblh mata bapa kna jahit..i could see bnyk drh arh bju and seluarnya..Ya Allah..nara trduduk+lemah and menangis..apa lgi bla meliat mama menangis..nara pun ikt menangis..bapa lagi lemah..Tapi Alhamdulillah..bapa nda apa2..bagi nara wlupun mcm atu nara tetap takut and lemah..i cant live without him..i love my parents vry much..diorg adalah sgala2nya tuk nara dats why i can live without a cple but i cant live without my parents...
So tuk pringatan semua..hargai ibu bapa ktani slagi diorg msh hdup..turuti smua kemahuan diorg..bknnya pyh..diorg 2 org sja..sdgkn ktani adik-bradik bnyk..tpi diorg ttap mndidik and mnjga ktani semua dgn baik..sygi diorg..klu diorg pmarah anggp sja diorg mrh tuk kebaikan kitani jua kay..emm smpai sni dlu post nara

To My Parents, I Love You

I have gone through
so many different stages
changing ideas and goals
while searching for the
right kind of life for me
You were always
ready to help me
at all times
It must have seemed like
I would never
follow one straight path
Now that I know
what I am doing and
where I am going
I can only show you
my extreme appreciation
for your support
by being true
to all the ideals and values
that you tried to teach me
Thank you forever
for standing by me
I love and appreciate
you forever. I will love my parents... For what they have done..

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