Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Ahad, 18 April 2010


Cake 4 1 of our bestie FFNJ bday>>>Sis Nyr;)

Dlm keta skjb g kn off ke Bandar Seri Begawan masa tu coz kn menculik sis ku ahaha

ahaha marah lah konon...nyeeh:p:p

(ane pic.fyl msa not in the mood cozz brfkir sal kn survey tpt pyh bnr~but nw evrythnz okay la)

We believe tht everythn is posibble and..nothing is posibble;)

(hott kah kami atu????ahaha=D)

My beluv sis nyr>>

emmm siuk x aa di empire...berangin n aman sal ndada bnyk org dtg;)

(kamu kamu,kamu tau kh yg kez munjung mulut ane ada yg nda suka lyk fyl prnh kna tnya bah ktanya,"npa bni2 msa ni suka munjung2 mulut bla brgmbar??tuk lawa kah?ahaha itewlah yg kna tnya arh fyl...siniz dong caranya brtanya..bgi fyl atu hak org lah kn brgmbr cara mcm mna tpi makin pulg fyl pnyeluru toh ahaha;p joking bah)

(could not blve tht akhrnya smpai jua hajat ke empire ehehe siukkk!enjoy babe)

(Happy Belated Birthday Sis Nyr...sorry aa coz lambat sikit mnsuprisekn ur birthday ehehe..well asalkn tipu daya fyl brjaya..)
sorry f susunan pic.nda brtentu..I hpe u guyzz enjoy k...actlly pic.2 di ats filah ambl msa kmarin,18.4(sun)..chilld wiv my bestie>>FFNJ GROUP,one of my actvty tuk mnghilangkn rsa boring jua eheh
more info abt us juz do visit our blog at k,TQ
so sampai sni dlu tke cre ppl~

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