Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Ahad, 20 Jun 2010

I Won't Stop Loving You...

I wanted you close so that we'd never part...
I wish you could see how wonderful love could be
I wanted to love you, I wish you could see...
I pray for you each and every night..
I pray for our love will last longer..
Even though I am far from you..
I love you with all my strength.
Ask the miles I've walked for you..
Ask the kilometres that my love travels every second
Ask every single drop of tear I've shed for you..
Ask every single day since I've known you..
how much love I've given you.
My love has been nurtured, cherished and offered to you..
I've never made you feel bad on any day..
Then try to buy you the next day..
I've really given my best
I'm powered by your love Hafiz...
And fueled by the belief that we're meant to be.
I didn't give you diamonds today though I could.
because I'm instead giving you my true love
and all that's mine is yours too..
More precious than any diamond in the world is..
Swearing on my life to fight for you.
What I've given you cannot wear and show
You can only feel and cherish for yourself.
Gift me your belief in that we'll be together forever
Your belief in the battle I am mounting..
Gift me your sincerity
Gift me your trust
Show me you are faithful to me..
I will stand by you, stand up for you.
On some days you will feel discouraged..
You will be tempted by the evil..
You will lose hope.
But remember, you sink I sink with you too.
But I won't let go.
I won't give up the fight, I'll go the distance.
I love you Hafiz...
Too many wordz here...but i knw smuanya msh blum dpt utk mmbuktikan sbuah cinta sbnr...*Jika kau selami hati dan dpt merasakn perasaan ini maka cinta itu telah sampai kpdmu...*
Ya Allah jika ini adalah perancangan yg telah Engkau takdirkan utk hamba maka hamba redha dgn hati yg ikhlas...hamba menerima segala ujianMu...Kerana Allah yg Maha Mencipta diri ini,pasti Allah lebih Maha Mengetahui apa yg terbaik buat hamba...
I love you Hafiz thats all I want to say...Mayv Im not gud enough for you but I wont stop lovin'u...Neva Let You Go...:)

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