Filah is my name...People will call me Filah,Fyl or Nara

I'm definitely not perfect,But I'm me...

25th April-The date I was born

Work as a Laboratory Ass.
I love my mama,dad and my love so much...
My life is complete because of them:)

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


I am among those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena which impress him like a fairy tale.
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.
Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.
The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.
Science is organised knowledge.
Done By;
L.A Filah


Apparatus set up;
1) pendulum bob (50g slotted masses)
2) string
3) metre rule
4) stopwatch or clock
5) clamps
6) stands
***You must make sure that the top of the pendulum string is firmly held so that there is no movement at that point.***
Three factors affect the period of swing;
1) the mass of the bob
2) the size(amplitude) of the string
3) the length of the pendulum
Done By;
L.A Filah

Experiment on melting point of ice

Melting point means the same as freezing point.It is the temperature at which a solid turns liquid,or a liquid turns solid.Water takes up less space as a liquid than as a solid.
This is because of the way the molecules stick together.In ice the molecules are grouped in rings.This takes up a lot of space.When the ice melts,the rings are broken.So the molecules can pack together more closely.
***notes down: temp.difference when drip in ice and after salt is added.
Done By;
L.A Filah

Science&Technology Lab**RULES**

1st- Do not touch any equipment until you are instructed to do so.
2nd- Eating and drinking is not permitted in the laboratory.
3rd- Always keep your work area neat and clean before leaving the lab.
4th- Report any accident, hazards or spills to the teacher or technician immediately.
5th- Be very careful when using a gas burner.
6th- Never run, push or play around in the lab.
7th- While using electrical equipment,be careful about the wiring,hanging and damaged cords.
8th- Do not throw any rubbish into the sinks.
9th- Do get permission before beginning any lab.activity.
10th- Follow your teacher's direction,for washing,unplugging and putting away the equipment.
L.A :Filah

Khamis, 10 Februari 2011

Kenangan lalu menakutkan aku...

Ku wanita
yg pernah
namun akhirnya
aku wanita
yg ditinggalkan
dberi sebuah harapan
yg kosong
Pengorbanan ku dpersiakan
Penantianku diabaikan
kasih sygku dpersendakan
Aku kehilangan
kejauhan dari
diriku yg
Ku bukan
wanita yg mudah
tuk menjdi
kerna ku tahu
aku tidak sekuat
yg kau sangka...
aku biarkan dirimu berlalu
aku biarkan dirimu menyakittiku
kerna aku
tidak pernah
memaksa dirimu
utk singgah dan pergi
dri hidupku..
kau yg memulakan
dan kau yg mngakhiri
sebelum dirimu
air mata bukan temanku
namun kau beri serpihan kaca
yg telah lama ku nantikan
agar seseorg akn
dpt mengembalikan
kepercayaanku trhdp
satu nma..iaitu
akhirnya aku menemuinya..
dia sgt berbeza
cintanya sgt ku hrpkan
Demi dirinya
ego ku hapuskan..
sinaran dlm hidupku
kembali terang
kembali menyinar
kewujudannya mmbwa kebahagiaan
ku hrp dialah cinta
yg ku nnti
selama ini...
air mataku
adalah tanda cintaku utknya..
ertinya bila ku trfikir
satu hri nnti
dia akn meninggalkan aku
mataku tiada
akn dpt menahan
dri melihat semua itu..
kerna aku cinta pdanya
bsrnya cintaku dri cintaku pd yg
aku wanita
tidak sekuat yg kau
aku wanita
dgn ikhlas..
aku wanita
yg pasti akn mmbahagiakn mu...